Introduction to the school community
“The school’s values are evident in the highly positive relationships between staff, students, parents and governors. Students behave well and are keen to learn.” – Ofsted.
Mary Webb School and Science College is situated in a particularly beautiful location in the village of Pontesbury, just a few miles south of Shrewsbury. The site, surrounded by hills and woodland, provides an ideal setting for a school that aims to provide an educational experience firmly rooted in a rural context. We seek to open minds and widen horizons by ensuring that all our students are prepared for the challenges of life in the twenty-first century.
As a relatively small community secondary school of about 600 students, staff and governors, we feel that the school has a number of distinctive features that makes it a little bit special. We aim to provide an environment in which each and every student can develop and flourish and where the pursuit of excellence, in terms of personal development and academic achievement, is the aspiration of all. Relatively small class sizes, especially in English and mathematics, ensure that every student receives personal attention.
Care for students, as individuals, is, and must be, at the centre of all we do. As a relatively small school we are able to ensure that every student is known. Through the welfare system, built around the form tutor and house system, we aim to provide the support and guidance necessary to ensure a happy and successful school life for all our students. Where required, we work closely with a range of agencies to support students and families.
“The school’s work to keep students safe and secure is outstanding.” – Ofsted.
“Students say they feel safe and all parents who responded through Parent View agree. Several parents contacted the team to praise the work of the school in supporting their children through difficult times.” – Ofsted.
The curriculum at Key Stage 4 is based around a core GCSE offer. We believe that this provides students with robust qualifications that support transition to post-16 education, training and employment. GCSE examination results at Mary Webb are above the national average across the curriculum. In 2017 the school’s P8 (progress 8) score was +0.43, above the national average and the highest in Shropshire.
Curriculum innovation in science, mathematics and technology is providing our students with exciting, challenging, creative and relevant opportunities. This is further supported by strong curriculum provision in humanities, languages, creative and performance subjects, including physical education. The school’s wide and increasing range of enrichment activities e.g. clubs, sports teams, creative arts opportunities, trips and visits, is something we are very proud of.
Students achieve their best when school and home work together. We are working with parents to develop this partnership and have introduced a range of workshops to support parents in working with their children at home. Throughout the year we maintain regular contact through consultation evenings, the annual student report and progress reviews. In 2010 we introduced a parents’ forum, aimed at involving parents even more closely in the development of the school.