Regular attendance is an essential foundation for creative and effective learning. Attendance has a major impact on students’ academic progress.
What are the legal resonsibilities of parents/carers?
To ensure that your child is educated at school
What does this actually mean?
Your child must:
- Attend school regularly
- Arrive at school on time
Students should not be kept away from school for:
- Family holidays
- Looking after relatives; including younger siblings
- Minding the house
- Visiting relatives
- Long weekends
- Shopping trips#
If you keep your child away from school for any of the above reasons you are breaking the law
For all absences, we would ask that parents /carers contact the school for each day of absence

Short Term Absence
In the event of a student being unable to attend school, we require one of the following:
- A telephone call using the school absence line 01743 792100 then pressing 1, stating the reason for absence.
- An email to Mrs Bellamore via stating the reason for absence.
- A written note of dates and reason for absence, to be given to the student’s form tutor on return to school.
In the event of an unknown absence, please be aware that we may contact you as part of our attendance and safeguarding policy
Holidays in Term Time
School policy follows LA guidelines and DfE regulations. Please see the application for student leave of absence from school in exceptional circumstances form below: