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Mission Statement

Our Students

We need to acknowledge that our students grow up in many different kinds of families.  Some may live with a grandparent/grandparents, a foster carer, are adopted, live with two mums or two dads, or may be growing up with a single parent mum or dad.

Support for our Parents & Carers

Support all parents and carers by encouraging them to continue their education and personal development and inform them of relevant workshops, conference, training, sign-posting as and where appropriate.

Support all parents and carers by encouraging them to continue their education and personal development and inform them of relevant workshops, conference, training, sign-posting as and where appropriate.

Our Staff

As staff we have to remember that we are role models.  We must recognise and challenge discrimination if and when it occurs.

We will continue to use strategies allowing students time to talk in class discussion, allowing opinions to be shared; but to challenge any misconceptions and any form of bullying. Students need to understand that prejudice is recognised and challenged in order to build positive attitudes towards differences between peers.

We will check our own classrooms, reviewing and updating resources/displays so positive messages are presented to the students. We will provide CPD for staff to support discussion and understanding, therefore facilitating a broader approach to equality.

This may require us to go out of our comfort zone, we recognise we must equip staff both new and experienced with the knowledge, confidence, and skills they need to advocate for inclusion.

Many schools are supporting students through poverty, cuts, English as Additional Language, Islamophobia, social media problems, and FMG – the list is endless. So why should LGBTQ+ be any different?

What does Ofsted say about meeting the needs of LGBT students?

Meeting the needs of Trans students

MWS Safe Space Pride Group

Mrs. S Hanmer

Teacher of English

[email protected]

Ms. G Oakley

Teacher of Art & Technology

[email protected]

Miss. E Bailey

Extra-Curricular Coordinator

[email protected]

LGBT+ Guide for Parents

Glossary of terms




Someone who is emotionally and sexually attracted to others who may identify as male or female.



Sexually Questioning





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