Supporting teaching and learning
We provide a wide range of additional, enrichment opportunities to support teaching and learning and unlock the potential of all students.
Enrichment opportunities range from clubs arranged outside of lessons to day and residential visits outside of school.
We strive to meet the needs of all our students from those who want to play sports through to those who want to gain additional qualifications. Through Science, all of Year 9 students complete a CREST award, the best of which are taken to compete in the Regional CREST Science Fair in which we have had considerable regional and national success.
We have an active ‘Student Voice’ where students are given the opportunity to participate in, and contribute towards, whole school matters. This ranges from participating on interview panels during staff appointments to leading within the sustainable schools agenda.
Our six Curriculum Days (days when the normal school timetable is suspended and reorganised) provide the opportunity to focus in depth on various cross-curricular themes. Activities include a Business Enterprise Day where Year 10 students develop an insight into the mechanics of what makes a successful business. Visits to places such as the National Arboretum, NEC Skills Fair and local universities take place throughout the year, broadening and enhancing students’ experiences.
Residential opportunities include Year 7 Camp and within specific subject areas our historians visit the Trenches. There is also an annual specialist college trip, which in recent years has taken in the science and mathematics in London and Paris.
Through the arts subjects we offer students opportunities to participate in staging school productions. These have included ‘A Winters’ Tale’ and ‘Blood Brothers’ and also our highly successful drama and music ‘Showcase’ events. Students also benefit from watching productions by professional theatre groups including theatre visits to Shrewsbury, Stratford and Birmingham.
Opportunities to participate and represent the school in a range of sporting activities are very well supported and students continue to have success at many levels. Sporting participation is encouraged beyond the role of a player with many students becoming involved in officiating matches and coaching younger students.
Challenging and thought provoking real-world STEM projects for young people of all ages.