Mary Webb School is committed to giving every pupil the best possible start in life. As part of a whole school commitment to raising aspirations and supporting all pupils to make positive career choices and transitions, Mary Webb school has a high-quality programme of careers events and activities.
Pupils get the chance to take part in a wide range of careers and enterprise activities during their school journey such as:
A range of PSHCE activities
Visits to the world skills and apprenticeship shows
Use of the interactive Xello programme
Attendance at our school careers fair
1 to 1 careers guidance
Visits to universities
Careers Programme & Policy
School Career Programme
Working with employers, colleges & training providers
Our school welcomes the opportunity to work with local employers through work experience, the school careers fair, and other school events. If you are an employer, and would like to support the school in any way please email Mr. M Jervis [email protected].
We regularly invite local colleges and training providers into school. For more detail please view our provider access policy:
Working in partnership with parents and carers
Parents are key to young peoples’ decision-making. We encourage parents and carers to use the information provided on these web pages with their children. We maintain regular communication with parents about careers events and opportunities via ParentMail, through discussions at parent evenings and at the annual careers fair. Parents are welcome to contact our independent careers adviser directly, and can request an individual appointment if needed.
key staff

Mr. M Jervis
Mr. Jervis co-ordinates Careers Provision across all school years, and as Assistant Headteacher works collaboratively with the senior leadership team and the board of governors to ensure that a commitment to high quality career provision is an ongoing priority.
Mrs. Wilkinson and Mr. Jervis work together to ensure that the careers education, information, advice, and guidance offer is regularly reviewed, and supports every student to aim high, think big, and work hard to achieve their career goals. We want every student to move on to great things!

Mrs. V Wilkinson
Careers Information for pupils
There are many ways you can find out more information about different careers. In school look out for:
- Resources in the school library
- The interactive screen in the school library
- Posters in your classrooms
- Posters in the careers meeting room.
Careers Information for pupils
Motor Industry
With over 200 #MotorCareers to choose from, IMI Autocity provides you with all things Automotive!
Accreditation body for Tech Industry Gold, the only employer-led accreditation for tech education and training.
Provides resources for anyone looking for a career in the construction and built environment sector.
Behind the scenes of Britain’s single biggest employer – the NHS. Whatever your skills, qualifications or interests.
Creative Arts
Interested in a career in the creative industries? Find out about the range of roles, the prospect of work.
Whether you love sport or space, fitness or fashion, construction or computing, engineers are at the heart of it.
Screen Careers
Investing in the people driving the success of UK film, TV, VFX, animation and games.
Dive into the exciting world of science, manufacturing, and technology. Making a real difference to our world.