The curriculum on offer at the Mary Webb School and Science College is one that reflects the needs of students, supporting them to becoming independent citizens when they move on from us.
The school curriculum is designed to open the minds and widen the horizons of our students so that all students:
- Have access to the same broad range of challenging and motivating learning experiences.
- Enjoy learning and come to see education as a life- long process.
- Acquire the skills, knowledge and experiences which will enable them to develop great understanding of themselves and the society in which they live.
The new national curriculum for Key Stage 3 came into effect from September 2014. The curriculum we offer is in response to national statutory guidelines and the local need. The statutory core for Key Stage 3 includes English, mathematics, science, art and design, computing, design and technology, French, Spanish, geography, history, music, religious education, physical education and citizenship through PSHCE (personal, social, health and citizenship education)
At Key Stage 4 the statutory curriculum sees all students study English, mathematics, science, religious education, physical education and citizenship through PSHCE. Alongside these we offer a range of options for students to follow, all of which lead to accreditation. All students receive guidance and support when making their options to ensure their curriculum is personalised, broad and balanced. We operate an equal opportunity policy when it comes to options. All students are eligible to take any four from the following areas: the arts (art and design, music, drama), design and technology (product design and construction), the humanities (geography and history) and a modern foreign language (French and Spanish). Most courses are GCSE except for BTEC Construction and Cambridge Nationals in Sport and Health and Social Care. Some students opt to do Astronomy as an additional GCSE after-school.